Create an MSIX package

ImportantThe following article uses options that are available starting with the Professional edition and project type.

Learn to create MSIX packages that target Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform.

Advanced Installer offers you 2 main methods to build MSIX packages:

1. Create the project

Begin by creating a new Advanced Installer project, professional type or higher.

  • Launch Advanced Installer.
  • Create a Professional or higher project type.

2. Add an MSIX build

To create an MSIX, you must add to a new or existing Advanced Installer project, an MSIX/APPX build.

  • Go to the Builds page.
  • Add an MSIX build to your project by pressing in [ MSIX/APPX Build ] button in the top ribbon or by right-clicking in the Builds and selecting New > MSIX/APPX Build.

Add Build

3. Configure the build

Before creating the package, it must be configured by choosing the output, package type, and platform target.

Configure the Output

  • Set the Output folder by pressing the [ … ] button and selecting a location on the computer.
  • Set the name of the MSIX package.

Configure the Package

  • Check x86 and x64 as the architectures you want to target.
  • Select Create a bundle with individual packages inside.

Configure the Target Platforms

  • Check Desktop as the target platform and select.
  • Select version 1809 or higher as the minimum and maximum.

Target Platform

ImportantMSIX is supported starting with Windows 10 version 1809 and above; if you want to create an APPX select any version below 1809.

4. Configure installed files and application

If you've started this project from scratch, first go to Files and Folders page and add your binaries. Then go to Application Details page, add a new application, and select your .exe file. If you already have a project that was building an MSI/EXE you can skip this step.

5. Sign the package

The package cannot be installed without being signed with a trusted certificate.

  • Go to the Digital Signature page.
  • Check Enable signing.
  • Select Use from Personal certificate store and choose your certificate from the drop-down.

You can create a test certificate by pressing the Create button.

Select Certificate

6. Build and install the MSIX

ImportantIf you are on Windows 10 1909 or earlier, then make sure you have Sideload apps enabled in order to allow the installation of your MSIX. Do this by going to your Windows 10 Settings > Search For Developers > Enable Sideload apps.

Locate the newly created package and install it.

  • Press the Build button in the ribbon or F7 to create your package.
  • Open the output by clicking the path in the build log.
  • Install the MSIX package.

Install Package

7. Video tutorial