Creating a Mac OS X package for a Java application

ImportantThe following article uses options that are available starting with the Professional edition and project type.

This tutorial will guide you through the packaging of a Java application into a Mac OS X compliant package.

1. Create project

Start Advanced Installer. Launching Advanced Installer automatically starts a new installation project. Choose “Java” > “Java Application” as the project type.

Start Page

Save A good idea is to save and name the project at this point. Use the “Save” menu item under the “File” menu or the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut and let's name it MacOSXPackage.aip.

2. Add Installation Files

Files and Folders Go to the Files and Folders page by clicking on “Files and Folders” on the left pane.

Add Folder Right click “Application Folder” and select “Add Files”. Browse to the source folder on disk of your JAR file and select it. Click OK.

Files, Folders and Shortcuts

3. Add the Mac OS X build

Builds Go to the Builds page by clicking on “Builds” on the left pane.

Create a new Mac OS X build by clicking on the [ New Mac build ] toolbar button.


4. Define Java Product

Java Products Go to the Java Products page by clicking on “Java Products” on the left side page menu.

New Java Product Create a new Java Product by clicking on the [ New Java Product ] toolbar button.

Java Products

Click on the [ Add JAR(s)... ] button and browse to and select the JAR file you added in “Files and Folders” page. Click OK.

Go to “Mac OS X” tab and check the “Include the Java Product in the Mac OS build” option.

Mac OS X Tab

5. Build

Build Click on the [ Build ] toolbar button. Two setup packages will be built: a Windows compliant setup and a Mac OS X compliant package. The built Mac OS X package is a self extracting ZIP archive.

6. Video tutorial