MSIX Succinctly
by Matteo Pagani
Everything you need to know about MSIX for developers
Are you in charge of building the installer for your application? Here is everything you need to know about the innovative MSIX!
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Announced in 2018, at Windows Developers Days, MSIX is Microsoft’s vision for a complete containerized solution for desktop packaging, a new universal package format designed for Windows 10 apps.
Advanced Installer was launching partner for MSIX technology.
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Book’s table of contents
- 1. Introduction to MSIX
- 2. Packaging Your Applications with the MSIX Packaging Tool
- 3. Modification Packages
- 4. The Package Support Framework
- 5. Packaging Your Applications with Visual Studio
- 6. Move your Application Forward with MSIX
- 7. Distribute Your MSIX Packages
- 8. DevOps for Windows Desktop Applications with MSIX