Radu Popescu
Technical Writer at Advanced Installer, Technical Engineer on various enterprise client projects. Experienced in Software Packaging, SCCM infrastructure and System Administrating. Tech enthusiast and music producer in his spare time.
Written articles
How to digitally sign an MSI installer using PowerShell command line
Ensuring the security and integrity of software applications is a key part of modern digital safety practices. Digitally signing an MSI file from the command line is a straightforward process that enhances the security and trustworthiness of your application.
How to publish your MSI and EXE setup applications in the Microsoft Store
At the 2022 Microsoft Build event, a new opportunity was announced for developers: the ability to upload MSI and EXE applications directly to the Microsoft Store.
Enhancing Software Security: A Guide to Secure Install Properties with Advanced Installer
In today's world, where digital security is crucial, installing new software on your computer should be straightforward and secure.
How to link Installer Analytics to your Installation Package
Have you just finished developing your application and created the installation package using Advanced Installer?
Master SCCM Application Packaging and Deployment with Advanced Installer
Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or new to the application packaging industry, understanding the ins and outs of the process can be crucial.
How to Navigate Private App Distribution in the New Microsoft Store
If you're already familiar with the basics of publishing an MSIX application to the Microsoft Store, you're ahead of the game.
How to repackage your application in Windows Sandbox VM
Advanced installer Repackager allows you to repackage your application in multiple environments, such as the host machine, different types of virtual machines like VMware, Hyper-V, and now Windows Sandbox.
What is an APPX File - How to extract, open and edit one?
Have you encountered an .appx file and wondered what it is and what it can be used for?
Why EV Code Signing? EV Code Signing vs. Regular Code Signing
By now, we all know the importance of a digital signature to secure our applications and how standard code signing certificates work.
How to add .NET Framework as a prerequisite
It is well known that whenever you install a .NET application, you need to add a .NET Framework prerequisite to your installation package.
EXE or MSI Installer - What suits your business best? | Differences and Recommendations
When we install a Windows program, we often have to deal with MSI and EXE files.
What is a Code Signing Certificate and how to ensure digital trust for your application
We are living in a digital era, and the need for trust and authenticity of digital documents, websites, and applications requires the use of a digital signature.
What is a PFX Certificate and how to generate it?
There are multiple ways to provide an extra layer of security for your applications in order to distribute them safely and build trust with your users. One of the most reliable methods is using Signed Certificates.A Signed Certificate is a Public Key Cryptography certificate that verifies the identity of the certificate holder listed in the certificate and generates Digital Signatures.
Build an MSI that installs per-user or per-machine
Throughout their entire history, MSI applications have used Microsoft Windows Installer as an installation and configuration tool provided with Windows since version 2.0 for Windows XP and proceeding to version 5.0 for Windows 7, 10, and 11.
What is the SysWOW64 folder and what is it used for?
To keep up with the evolution of technology, the architecture of the processors shifted from 32 bit to 64 bit, as did the operating systems.Due to the rapid technological advancements, the logic in the registry and file system changed as well.
How to send custom messages through Advanced Installer Updater?
Sometimes, your end-users need quick updates to relevant information, such as software updates, discounts, or up-to-date documentation.
The meaning of “Log on as a Service” and when to use the “Log on as a Service” policy?
In this article, we will learn what “Log on as a Service" is, when and where to use it, and how to enable it.
How to Find Silent Install Switches for EXE
Command-line switches should be present in every setup installer. When it comes to MSI installers, they support command line switches by default.
What are .MSP files, how to create and extract them?
Depending on whether we're installing or updating an application, we need to use different types of files. For instance, we use MSI files when installing Windows applications, but if we want to make a small update, we can use an MSP file.
MSI File - What is, how to open and edit it?
We use MSI or EXE files whenever we install a Windows application, so we're pretty used to them. But, what is an MSI file, and what makes it different from an EXE file? What’s the easiest way to open and edit an MSI installer?
Silently Install EXE and MSI setup applications (Unattended) - How To Guide
If you are a System Administrator, IT Pro, or Developer, and want to find out how to perform a silent MSI or EXE installation – this article is for you!
How to Edit an MSI File using ORCA Editor (plus alternative tool)
What's the most efficient way to perform quick edits to an MSI package?
MSI vs MSIX: Practical Side-by-Side Comparison and Limitations
In 2018, MSIX was announced by Microsoft as the new universal package format for Windows 10 apps with the later support on desktop, mobile, and other Windows 10 devices.
How to update your MSIX application in Microsoft Store
There's a certain feeling of relief and achievement when we finally launch our application to the Microsoft Store.
How To Implement Updates Using WiX Toolset Installer
In this post, we will address installer updates with a focus on the most common scenarios you may encounter when performing a small, minor, or major upgrade.
How To Set WiX Installer Version to the Current Build Version
Do you need your installer to keep its current build version? In this article, will go through all the steps you need to set your WiX installer version to the current build version.
MSIX Digital Signing
Many of us are aware of the importance of securing our applications and how digital signatures are a solid way to avoid security breaches. For those looking into MSIX, you must know that Microsoft enforces digital signature for all packages within this technology. There is no exception.
Why a Digital Signature Timestamp is Always Required
With the experience of unfortunate security breaches in recent years, the focus of making safe and reliable applications has increased in the software industry. This is why adding a digital signature to your application has become a must -- and for MSIX applications it is mandatory.
The Repackager or the Modern Technique of Application Packaging
In this article we are going to talk about the application repackaging process and more specifically: what is a Repackager, what can you do with it, how can it help you in your daily job - either as an IT Pro or as a Developer - and what makes Advanced Installer Repackager irreplaceable when supporting your updating and adding customizations to your installer package.
Don't conduct a manual install when your SCCM deployment fails - Stick to the SLA
In today's article, we're bringing a specific scenario into discussion and proposing the right solution to manage similar situations.
MSIX Packaging Tool: Guide me in!
If you missed out on our previous blog articles about MSIX, make sure to check out this comprehensive guide to get insights about the technology and the changes it brings to the industry. To continue understanding the different tools and best practices MSIX has, this article will go into the MSIX Packaging Tool. We discuss what it is, how it works, and finally, we will show a side by side comparison using our free Advanced Installer Express edition.
SCCM How-to: In-Console ConfigMGR 2002 Update
In a previous article , we went over handling the migration from System Center Configuration Manager 2012 to Configuration Manager Current Branch using the 1902 baseline version.
How to publish your MSIX package to the Microsoft Store?
You've finished building your MSIX application, and it's time to share it with the rest of the world.
AppData | LocalAppData | ProgramData Explanations, Differences, Use Cases
In this article, we go through:
How to approach a Start Menu entry in your MSIX package? And what challenges are there?
In our previous MSIX related blog articles, we’ve approached some of the MSIX particularities and different scenarios such as Digital Signing, MSIX Deployment via SCCM, MS-AppInstaller Web Protocol, and Context Menu.
Migration Upgrade from SCCM 2012 to Current Branch (1902)
In November 2015, Microsoft released the first edition of System Center Configuration Manager called SCCM (Current Branch) 1511. And since then, Microsoft decided to change its name to “SCCM YYMM (Year Month)” following the same naming convention as for Windows 10 YYMM (example Windows 10 1809).
Updates Deployment: Major Upgrade vs Patch
In the lifecycle of an application package, it comes a point when an update is required. Whether we want to fix minor bugs and vulnerabilities, or we come up with some improvements and big changes to our app, we must deliver it as an update.
MSIX Per-User Deployment via SCCM
Before we begin, it is important we know that starting with SCCM version 1806, MSIX application is supported in System Center Configuration Manager. Integrating MSIX apps in previous versions, does not work. Also the current version of Windows 10 that supports MSIX is version 1809. It is announced that Microsoft will add support for MSIX also on other versions of Windows 10.
MSIX Deployment Options
There are four main methods of deploying an MSIX application. Publishing in Microsoft Store and Sideloading are methods that target unmanaged devices while Deploying via SCCM and Deploying via Intune focuses more on an enterprise environment, targeting managed devices. The key difference between unmanaged and managed devices is the control of how they are configured and who can have access to the application.