Privacy FAQ

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be put into effect in the European Economic Area on May 25, 2018. GDPR gives specific protections for individuals in Europe on how their data may be collected, moved, stored, and processed.

At Caphyon, we value your data privacy. All the changes to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service intend to explain what data Advanced Installer, as well as Installer Analytics, collect and how it is handled. Below you can read some of the most frequent questions that may appear due to these changes.

Is Caphyon classified as a processor or a controller when handling data under the GDPR?

Caphyon is a controller regarding customer data and a processor of user data that we collect via Installer Analytics.

What does opting-out of Installer Analytics mean?

A user is able to opt-out of Installer Analytics on a per-application basis. When a user selects to opt-out, you won’t be able to receive data about that user. This functionality must be implemented by you, as a developer, in your setup projects.

How long is the data kept?

Depending on the data type, the duration varies. Any data can be permanently deleted by sending a request to

How does Advanced Installer use the data?

Advanced Installer uses the data we collect to improve your experience and our product in multiple ways:

  • Research and product development: We use some of the information and feedback we collect about how you use Advanced Installer to prioritize features and improvement.
  • Information about major releases: In order to keep you up-to-date with changes, we use your contact information to send notifications emails after each major release.

What data is used from my forum account?

We use the following data from your Advanced Installer forum account:

  • Content shared: We collect and store content you post, send, receive, and share on our forum.
  • Content provided: We collect content you share on the forum and site, including submitted feedback and surveys.

How do we share information we collect?

  • Sharing with other users: The forum is a community platform where users share information and content. A user can access only the public information provided by other users.
  • Sharing with third parties: We share data with third parties in order to better develop, customize, and market our services.We use Mailchimp for email marketing and Verifone (formerly called 2Checkout, Avangate) as the payment processor.

Where can I get more information about a GDPR-related issue?

You can send a request at