Windows Installer Formatted Type
The Windows Installer Formatted data type is a string which can contain references to certain special strings: Properties, folders, files, etc. During installation, these references are resolved into their respective values:
- the file references are replaced with the full path to the file on the target computer
- the folder references are replaced with the full path to the folder on the target computer
- the property references are replaced with the value of the respective properties
References embedded in a Formatted string must respect the following syntax:
- [propertyname]
- [%environmentvariable]
- [#filekey]
- [&temporaryfile]
- [folderkey]
Additional rules
- [!filekey] is replaced by the full short path of the file when used in a registry value, an INI file or in a shortcut to a URL (when used anywhere else it's the same as [#filekey])
- [\x] is replaced by the character x; for example, to include a left bracket ([), use [\[]
Properties referenced by PseudoFormatted data types are resolved at build
time while properties referenced by
Formatted data types are resolved at