Advanced Installer 18.1 Release Notes

On March 23rd, 2021 Caphyon Ltd. is proud to announce the release of Advanced Installer 18.1 in Free, Professional, Enterprise and Architect editions. This release is available for download on the Advanced Installer website.

Advanced Installer 18.1 is another step forward towards more automation, and less manual packaging.

The new Advanced Installer Repackager support for repackaging in remote machines is here to boost your packaging team's productivity.

Check the video below to see a quick demo on how you can repackage an installation in a remote machine - Oracle VM VirtualBox.

New features, bug fixes, and general improvements are included in the current release. See the full list below.

New features
  • Support for repackaging in remote machines
  • Predefined prerequisites for OpenJDK Java
  • Added predefined folder in Files and Folders for %USERPROFILE%
  • New MSIX declarations: "LoaderSearchPathOverride", “OutOfProcessServer”, “ProxyStub”
  • New alias namespace support in MSIX and MSIX Bundle - for edit and import
  • New capabilities when importing an MSIX/APPX
  • PowerShell automation support for synchronized folder
  • PowerShell automation support for folder operations settings
  • Repackager Notes UX improvements
  • Command line support to update already existing prerequisite's search
  • Command line support to change prerequisite's minimum and maximum version
  • Command line support for folder operations settings
  • Support environment variables in the command line field for custom SignTool
  • Support for grouping applications under a folder in the Start menu
  • Support for "TaskSettings.MultipleInstances" property
  • Don't disable the "Digitally sign the file" checkbox if the target doesn't exist
  • Predefined launch conditions for Java Development Kit 14, 15 and 16
  • "SQL Server Native Client 2012" prerequisites update to SP4
  • "SQL Server ODBC Driver 11" prerequisites update to latest version 12.2.5543.11
Bug fixes
  • Fixed synchronization of HTML-based apps between MSI and MSIX
  • Updated GlobalSign timestamp URL for SHA256 digital signature
  • Undetermined state of the "Apply to all subfolders" checkbox is propagated to all children
  • When importing RPK files using templates, the MSIX views are not displayed by default
  • Migration User data folder is not correctly saved
  • “AI_PrepareRevokePermissions” fails when the “CustomActionData” value has 36 characters
  • Wrong UI level selection in the Migration area when opening an MSIX package for editing
  • SignTool Error when double-quote character was used in password
  • Uninstall cleanup misbehaves when EUI is used
  • "AI_BUILD_NAME" property is not written in MSI