EmEditor - Case Study

Advanced Installer is the key to packaging and deploying every new version of EmEditor globally. Automating its distribution means more time can be invested in its development.
EmEditor is a fast, lightweight, yet extendable, easy-to-use text editor for Windows. It is used by tens of thousands of users around the world, including major corporations, educational institutions, institutions of the European Union, ministries of Japan, and governments from all over the world.
Yutaka Emura
Founder of EmEditor
Tools analysis
Packaging and updating an application that is installed by tens of thousands of users on various Operating Systems is not an easy task. "The list of requirements was very long, something that the free solutions could not cover. When researching, Advanced Installer proved to be the most efficient tool on the market. Its affordable pricing plan fit the budget perfectly. We started with the Professional version, and later upgraded on the Enterprise version", says Yutaka Emura, EmEditor founder.
Tailored for our users
Monthly releases allows the Advanced Installer team to provide new features, improvements and bug fixes very fast. All the features get included based on the user requests received, so when EmEditor required a safer method to deploy its updates over the web, the Advanced Installer's team recognized the significance of this improvement and developed a solution in less than two months.
Excellent communication
Building software means always to be in touch with your users, watch the market trends and adapt quickly. Building a software that packages and deploys other software solutions makes the challenge even bigger, constant communication over email and forums is vital for getting feedback from the users and building the best solution possible.