AutoForm GmbH - Case Study

AutoForm Engineering GmbH builds software solutions that are an acknowledged industry standard at virtually every automotive OEM and at leading suppliers of tooling, stampings and materials worldwide. Over 600 manufacturers rely on AutoForm's solutions for Sheet Metal Forming.
This means that for each release they have thousands of machines on which one or more of their software solutions need to be installed.
The challenge: They had to find a powerful and reliable software packaging solution that can handle installing all their applications, be cost effective and as easy to learn as possible, making its adoption across the development teams seamless.
Starting from installers for a single application to highly complicate bundles that can install up to twelve applications at the same time, Advanced Installer is for more than 3 years the backbone of AutoForm's software delivery cycle.
Lena Käppeli
Release & QA Manager at AutoForm
50% less time spent on building the installers
AutoForm switched over to Advanced Installer in 2012. The previous software packaging and installation tool was no more suitable for the continuously growing application which they provide. The complexity and limited flexibility of the tool they used made it really time-consuming to get around even for performing small changes in the project.
Advanced Installer comes with monthly updated user manuals supported by a very professionally organized technical support team, providing most of the answers in the user guide and personal assistance in less than 24 hours over private emails or on the public forums. This structure helped AutoForm save precious time during installer development and maintenance phases.
Mirjana Rajkovic
Release Engineer at AutoForm
From individual installers to seventeen-applications bundle
When AutoForm first switched to Advanced Installer it began with a few standalone applications, each with its own installer. This was creating a lot of effort to implement and test it, as well as to distribute it to the customers.
Now, Advanced Installer is used to design and build a bundle that installs seventeen separate applications at once, saving time for their clients and making it easier for AutoForm to maintain their installer’s fleet.