Windows Features

Configure a Windows Features bundle.

Windows Features bundle


Specify the bundle's install/uninstall settings.


The condition which determines if the bundle will be installed. Edit this field using Smart Condition Edit Control.

Feature unavailable policy

Some features may be unavailable on certain Windows editions. In such a case you can choose to rollback the installation or to ignore error and continue the installation.

Uninstall policy

Choose whether to remove or keep the selected Windows Features on uninstall. If any selected Windows Features are already installed, the package will install only the missing ones. In this case, the uninstall policy will apply only for the Features installed by the package.

NoteUninstall policy doesn't apply on Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

Target Operating Systems

Selecting several OS's will intersect each one's specific Features and Dependencies, displaying the resulting set in the Available Windows Features list.

Caution!Some Windows Features are shown in the Control Panel only after a system restart.

Available Windows Features

The Windows Features list to choose from. Filter this list using keywords in the top right search box (Filter Windows Features) or by selecting the corresponding OS from the Target Operating Systems section.

A Windows Feature may have other dependencies (shown in its tooltip) so when selecting it in the list, its dependencies will be selected as well. When applying a filter, the result Features' dependencies will be listed as well even if their name doesn't match the filter keyword.