Manifest Editor Page

This feature enables the edit of the MSIX package manifest.

Declaring a new element

New manifest elementUse the [ New Element ] toolbar button, the context menu item or press the Insert key.. The Edit Manifest Element dialog will be shown allowing you to configure and add a new element.

Editing an existing element

Edit manifest elementSelect an element in the list and use the [ Edit Element ] toolbar button, context menu item or press the Space key. The Edit Manifest Element dialog will be shown allowing you to edit the element.

Declaring a new subtree

New manifest subtreeUse the [ New Subtree ] toolbar button or the context menu item. The New Manifest Subtree Dialog will be shown allowing you to configure and add a new subtree.

NoteAll elements of a tree that have the same XPath as the selected element can be expanded/collapsed using Expand All Like This and Collapse All Like This context menu options.
