File Type Association Properties

This view allows you to configure a File Type Association declaration.

Application Settings

This section is described in Application Settings article.


Configure the file type association's specific properties.

Display name

A friendly name for the file type association that can be displayed to users.


Select the logo image for the file type association.

Thumbnail Type

Select the thumbnail image for the file type association.

Info tip

Defines a string that provides additional info to the user about the file type.


The name of the file type association. You can use this name to organize and group file types. The name must be all lower case characters with no spaces.

Desired view

The desired view of the app.

  • Default
    • The app does not have a window size preference specified. Windows, rather than the app, sets the size preference, which defaults to UseHalf.
  • UseLess
    • The window uses less than 50% of the available horizontal screen pixels.
  • UseHalf
    • The window uses 50% (half) of the available horizontal screen pixels.
  • UseMore
    • The window uses more than 50% of the available horizontal screen pixels.
  • UseMinimum
    • The window uses the minimum horizontal pixel width (either 320 or 500 pixels) specifies in the app's manifest (such as package.appxmanifest).


Command line arguments passed to the file associated with the extension when the user opens it. This string may contain any values, but can also include special parameters (e.g. %1 - the absolute path to the target file).

Migration ProgIDs

Transition the default app for a given file type to use the app's store version. You can type in several Programmatic Identifiers(ProgIDs), separated by spaces.

Edit flags

Specifies the type of info the user sees when opening a file associated to this declaration.

Open is safe

A dialog box with a security warning is displayed.

Always unsafe

A dialog box with a standard warning is displayed.

Supported File Types

Define the file types associated with the app. They are unique per package and case sensitive.

Declaring a new supported file type

Use the [ New... ] button, context menu item or press the Insert key. The Edit File Type Dialog will allow you to add a new file type.

Editing an existing file type

Select a file type in the list and use the [ Edit ] button, context menu item or press the Space key. The Edit File Type Dialog will allow you to configure the file type.

Removing an existing file type

Select a file type in the list and use the [ Delete ] button, context menu item or press the Delete key to remove it.


Configure custom verbs such as "Edit", "Preview" or "Print" in the File Explorer context menu. These allow the app to launch a certain way based on the user's selection when opening a file.

Adding a new verb

Use the [ New... ] button, context menu item or press the Insert key. The Edit Verb Dialog will allow you to add a new verb.

Editing an existing verb

Select a verb in the list and use the [ Edit ] button, context menu item or press the Space key. The Edit Verb Dialog will allow you to configure the verb.

Removing an existing verb

Select a verb in the list and use the [ Delete ] button, context menu item or press the Delete key to remove it.

Property Lists

A list of properties to show under the properties tab of a file.

Full Details

Specify properties that are displayed on the Details tab of the Properties dialog box. This is the complete list of properties that the file type supports.

Preview Details

Specify properties that are displayed in the Preview Pane.

Preview Details


Choose what kind of files you're associating and how they're used. This way your users can group their files by their kind in Windows Explorer.

Preview Handler

Declare a preview handler for a file type association.

Property Handler

Declare a property handler for a file type association.

Property Handler

Declare a property handler for the file type association.

ImportantFor both Preview Handler and Property Handler the ID of the app's class must match the ID attribute under the Class element in the SurrogateServer element from the COM registration in the app manifest.

Thumbnail Handler

Set a thumbnail provider for a file type association and provide the ID for activating its COM class.

NoteThumbnail Handler only works for full trust applications.

Ole Class

Enables OLE to get the OLE class registered for a given file extension.

Cls ID

Specify the ID of a COM class registered in the element.
