Application Declarations Page
On this page you can add one or more declarations for the app and specify their properties. Declarations are a mechanism by which an app can add functionality in a manner defined by the operating system. An example of an app declaration is the ability to create a file type association and enable your app to be the default handler for files with a specific file name extension.
Adding a new declaration
Select the "Supported Declarations" tree
and use the "Add Declarations" context menu or the
button from the ribbon.
Bulk declarations
App or package bulk declarations are listed above the delimiting line in the context menu or in the ribbon dropdown menu. You can add one or more of the following declarations:
App Services
Background tasks enable apps to communicate with each other and enable one application to call another. In order to use contracts to provide or launch these background tasks an app needs to be declared as an app service. Configuring an App Service declaration from the right pane is described in App Service Properties article.
Auto Play Content
When a volume-based device is connected to a computer or a disc is inserted into a CD or DVD drive, the system raises an Auto Play Content event. This declaration enables your app to be listed as an Auto Play choice for one or more Auto Play Content events. The app provides the specified Auto Play Content actions. Configuring Auto Play Content declarations is described in Auto Play Content Properties article.
Auto Play Device
When a device that is not volume-based is connected to a computer, the system raises an Auto Play device event. This declaration enables your app to be listed as an Auto Play choice for one or more Auto Play device events. Because these devices are not volume-based, the system provides the app with device information rather than a file folder. Configuring Auto Play Device declarations is described in Auto Play Device Properties article.
Background Tasks
Enables app code to run as background tasks in response to external events. Configuring Background Tasks declarations from the right pane is described in Background Task Properties article.
File Explorer Context Menus
Registers items for the context menu of File Explorer. Configuring File Explorer Context Menus declarations from the right pane is described in File Explorer Context Menus article.
Dial Protocols
Install and/or launch applications on the Xbox One from network devices. Configuring a Dial Protocol declaration from the right pane is described in Dial Protocol Properties article.
File Type Associations
A file type association indicates that the app is registered to handle files of the specified types. Configuring File Type Associations declarations is described in File Type Association Properties article.
A URI association indicates that the app is registered to handle URIs with the specified scheme. Configuring Protocols declarations is described in Protocol Properties article.
Startup Task
Startup tasks allow your app to run an executable automatically whenever a user logs on. Configuring Startup Tasks declarations is described in Startup Task Properties article.
Firewall Rules
Register firewall rules for your app, so your users won't have to make a firewall choice prior to launching the app (including after subsequent app updates). Configuring Firewall Rules declarations is described in Firewall Rules Properties article.
Shared Fonts
Have your app share custom fonts with other Windows applications. Configuring Shared Fonts declarations is described in Shared Fonts Properties article.
One-time Declarations
App or package one-time declarations are listed below the delimiting line in the context menu or in the ribbon dropdown menu. Once added, they will be grayed out and disabled. The following declarations can be added only once:
Above Lock Screen
The app is an above lock screen app. Configuring the Above Lock Screen declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Account Picker Provider
Allows the app to be launched in account picture mode and to set the user's picture without additional prompting. Configuring the Account Picker Provider declaration is described in Application Settings article.
The app can be set as Alarm. Configuring the Alarm App declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Appointments Provider
The app can interact with the calendar APIs and can create appointments. Configuring the Appointments Provider declaration is described in Appointments Provider Properties article.
Cached File Updater
The app can provide updates to files that are accessed by other Windows 8 apps. Configuring the Cached File Updater declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Camera Settings
Custom control for web camera devices. Configuring the Camera Settings declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Enables apps to select and acquire info about contacts. Configuring the Contact declaration is described in Contact Properties article.
Contact Picker
Make contact details in the app available to other Windows 8 apps. Configuring the Contact Picker declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Enables the package to install digital certificates with the app. Configuring the Certificates declaration is described in Certificate Properties article.
Desktop App Migration
Re-route the taskbar pins and the start tile shortcuts to point to the store version of the desktop app. Configuring the Desktop App Migration declaration is described in Desktop App Migration Properties article.
File Open Picker
The app lets the user choose and open the specified types of files. Configuring the File Open Picker declaration is described in File Open Picker Properties article.
File Save Picker
The app lets the user choose the file name, extension, and storage location for the specified types of files. Configuring the File Save Picker declaration is described in File Open Picker Properties article.
Full Trust Process
Launches a full-trust process with parameters. Configuring the Full Trust Process declaration is described in Full Trust Process Properties article.
Lock Screen
Defines the badge and notifications that represent the app on the lock screen, which is shown when the system is locked. Configuring the Lock Screen declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Lock Screen Call
Answer a VoIP phone call without unlocking the phone. Configuring the Lock Screen Call declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Media Playback
The app supports DVD playback. Configuring the Media Playback declaration is described in Media Playback Properties article.
Personal Assistant Launch
Enables deep linking to the app. Configuring the Personal Assistant Launch declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Pre-Installed Configuration
Launches an update task without any user interaction immediately after the app is installed. Configuring the Pre-Installed Configuration declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Print Task Settings
The app replaces the print settings experience. Configuring the Print Task Settings declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Print 3D Workflow
The app provides a customized experience in the 3D print dialog. Configuring the Print 3D Workflow declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Publisher Cache Folders
Specify one or more folders that the package shares with other packages from the same publisher. Configuring the Publisher Cache Folders declaration is described in Publisher Cache Folders Properties article.
Restricted Launch
Allows the app to protect itself from child app untrusted content. Configuring the Restricted Launch declaration is described in Application Settings article.
End users are able to search the app from anywhere in the system. Configuring the Search declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Share Target
The Share charm provides access to a list of target apps that can receive data that the user wants to share. This declaration enables your app to be included in the list of share targets. Configuring the Share Target declaration is described in Share Target Properties article.
Update Task
Run a background task directly after the user updates your app to a newer version. Configuring the Update Task declaration is described in Application Settings article.
Web Account Provider
This declaration enables your app to support single sign on (SSO). Configuring the Web Account Provider declaration is described in Web Account Provider Properties article.
NT Services
Identifies one or more NT Service to install, update, or uninstall on Nano Server. Configuring an NT Service declaration is described in NT Service Properties article.
In-Process Server Activatable Class
The app uses a dynamic link library (DLL) that exposes one or more activatable classes. Configuring an In-Process Server Activatable Class declaration is described in In-Process Server Activatable Class Properties article.
App Extension Host
Configuring an App Extension Host declaration is described in App Extension Host Properties article.
Enterprise Data Protection
Declares that the app is safe for auto-encryption and allows it to be managed without device enrollment via Windows Information Protection policy. Configuring an Enterprise Data Protection declaration is described in Enterprise Data Protection Properties article.
Removing a declaration
Select a declaration from the
"Supported Declarations" tree and use the "Delete"
context menu or the button from the ribbon to
remove it.
- App Service Properties
Configure properties for App Service declarations. - App Extension Properties
Configure properties for App Extension declarations. - Auto Play Content Properties
Configure properties for Auto Play Content declarations. - Auto Play Device Properties
Configure properties for Auto Play Device declarations. - Background Task Properties
Configure properties for Background Task declarations. - File Explorer Context Menus
Configure properties for File Explorer Context Menus declarations. - File Explorer Classic Context Menu Handler
Configure properties for File Explorer Classic Context Menu Handler declaration. - Dial Protocol Properties
Configure properties for Dial Protocol declarations. - File Type Association Properties
Configure properties for File Type Association declarations. - Protocol Properties
Configure properties for Protocol declarations. - Service Properties - Windows Store App Project
Configure properties for Windows Service declarations. - Startup Task Properties
Configure properties for Startup Task declarations. - Firewall Rules Properties
Configure properties for Firewall Rules declarations. - Host Runtime Properties
Configure properties for Host Runtime declarations. - Shared Fonts Properties
Configure properties for Shared Fonts declarations. - Appointments Provider Properties
Configure properties for the Appointments Provider declaration. - Certificate Properties
Configure properties for Certificates declarations. - Contact Properties
Configure properties for Contact declarations. - Desktop App Migration Properties
Configure properties for Desktop App Migration declarations. - File Open Picker Properties
Configure properties for File Open Picker declarations. - Full Trust Process Properties
Configure properties for Full Trust Process declarations. - Media Playback Properties
Configure properties for Media Playback declarations. - Lock Screen Component Properties
Configure properties for Lock Screen Component declaration. - Publisher Cache Folders Properties
Configure properties for Publisher Cache Folders declarations. - Share Target Properties
Configure properties for Share Target declarations. - Web Account Provider Properties
Configure properties for Web Account Provider declarations. - User Data Account Provider Properties
Configure properties for User Data Account Provider declaration. - NT Service Properties
Configure properties for NT Service declarations. - App Extension Host Properties
Configure properties for the App Extension Host declaration. - Enterprise Data Protection Properties
Configure properties for the Enterprise Data Protection declaration. - Mutable Package Directories Properties
Configure properties for the Mutable Package Directories declaration. - Loader Search Path Override Properties
Configure properties for the Loader Search Path Override declaration. - File System Write Virtualization
Configure properties for File System Write Virtualization. - Installed Location Virtualization Properties
Configure properties for Installed Location Virtualization declarations. - In-Process Server Activatable Class Properties
Configure properties for In-Process Server Activatable Class declarations. - Out-of-Process Server Activatable Class Properties
Configure properties for Out-Of-Process Server Activatable Class declarations. - Proxy Stub Properties
Configure properties for Proxy Stub declarations. - Edit Activatable Class Attributes
Create and configure Activatable Class Attributes. - Configure App Execution Alias Properties
Manage and configure the properties for the App Execution Aliases properties easily with Advanced Installer, our leading MSIX packaging tool. - App Uri Handler Properties
Configure properties for the App Uri Handler declaration - Application Settings
Configure declarations handling. - Launch Actions
Configure Launch Actions for various declaration types. - Supported File Types
Declare supported file types. - Toast Notification Activation Properties
Configure properties for Toast Notification Activation declarations. - Search Protocol Handler Properties
Configure properties for Search Protocol Handler declarations.