Contact Edit Launch Action Dialog

This dialog allows you to edit or declare a new Launch Action for Contact declarations.

Win store app contact edit launch action dialog


Configure general properties for a contact declaration.


This verb is passed to the app when it is launched to perform an action to a contact. The app can use it to determine which contact operation triggered its launch.

  • call
  • map
  • message
  • post
  • videoCall

Desired view

The desired amount of screen space to use when the contact launches.

  • Default
    • The app does not have a window size preference specified. Windows, rather than the app, sets the size preference, which defaults to UseHalf.
  • UseLess
    • The window uses less than 50% of the available horizontal screen pixels.
  • UseHalf
    • The window uses 50% (half) of the available horizontal screen pixels.
  • UseMore
    • The window uses more than 50% of the available horizontal screen pixels.
  • UseMinimum
    • The window uses the minimum horizontal pixel width (either 320 or 500 pixels) specifies in the app's manifest (such as package.appxmanifest).


Identifies the service for a contact action.

Adding a new service

Use the [ New... ] button, context menu item or press the Insert key.

Editing an existing service

Select a service in the list and use the [ Edit ] button, context menu item or press the Space key.

Removing an existing service

Select a service in the list and use the [ Delete ] button, context menu item or press the Delete key.