Certificate Properties

This view allows you to configure the properties of a Certificates declaration. The certificates are used during secure connections to web services over SSL.

Trust Options

Exclusive trust

Indicates whether the declared certificates are exclusive to the package.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria for the certificates defined for the package.

Hardware only

Indicates whether the certificates are hardware-specific.

Auto select

Indicates whether the certificates are selected automatically.


Declare certificates for use with the package and placed in the system certificate stores.

Declaring a new certificate

Use the [ New... ] button, context menu item or press the Insert key. The Edit Certificate Dialog will allow you to add a new certificate.

Editing an existing certificate

Select a certificate in the list and use the [ Edit ] button, context menu item or press the Space key. The Edit Certificate Dialog will allow you to configure the certificate.

Removing an existing certificate

Select a certificate in the list and use the [ Delete ] button, context menu item or press the Delete key to remove it.
