File Settings in the Files and Folders Page - VSIX Project

Adding files

Add Files Use the [ Add Files... ] toolbar button, the “Add Files...” tree/list context menu item or press the + key while the files panel is focused.

Setting file properties

Properties Use the [ Properties... ] toolbar button, the “Properties...” list context menu item, press the Enter key while a file in the “Files” panel is selected or double click on a file.

Depending on the project type, the VSIX File Properties or MSIX/AppX File Properties dialog will be shown, helping you to configure the file.

Opening files

Use the “Open” context menu item or press the F9 key while a file is selected.

Moving files to a different folder

Select the items to be moved then drag and drop them to the target folder. If you press the SHIFT key while moving the files you will create a duplicate copy of the files.

Removing files

Remove Use the [ Delete ] toolbar button, the “Delete” tree/list context menu item, or press the Delete key while a file is selected.
