Good afternoon. I have been working on setting up EV code signing via DigiCert and advanced installer for my company. The current issue I'm running into is getting code and EXE signed correctly via the azure pipelines. Every way I Try, I'm running into an error.
The first error I get when singing via azure pipelines alone and no attempt to sign via Api file, I get a signature mismatch when installing the exe.
The Second error I am seeing when I'm signing via the aip file and azure pipelines for the exe i get the expected output and our pipeline completed saying it was signed correctly. upon trying to install our new exe, the file immediately asks the user if they are "sure they want to close the application and stop the install." and the user cannot continue to begin the install.
the pipeline code im using is
.\smctl.exe healthcheck
.\smctl windows certsync --keypair-alias=$(KeyPairAlias)
.\smctl.exe sign verify --fingerprint="$(CertThumbPrint)" --input "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\exe"
The third error I see when trying to sign.
<ROW TimeStampUrl="" SignerDescription="[|ProductName]" SignOptions="7" SignTool="0" UseSha256="1" Subject="CN=DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1, O="DigiCert, Inc.", C=US" Store="User\MY" CustomToolPath="C:\Program Files\DigiCert\DigiCert Keylocker Tools\signtool.exe" CustomToolCmdLine="sign /sha1 "*******************************************" /tr "" /td "SHA256" /fd "SHA256""/>
when I sign via just the aip file with the snippit above I get this advanced installer error during our pipeline run saying
"[ DefaultBuild ]
Building package: C:\agent\_work\422\a\exe\application-2020.3.6-(x64).exe
Prepare build
Detecting MSI incompatible resources
Preparing files
Creating CAB file(s)
Signing CAB file(s)
Win32 Error [2148204800]: "No signature was present in the subject. "
any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!