I have upgraded from 21.2.2 to 21.3.1
I have an exe install package which was upgraded from 20.7 to 21.2.2 and was working perfectly, my clients use /quiet for the install with the following command line
TACSInstallationNew50109V2131.exe /i // /quiet /l*v install.log DB_TYPE="SQL" LIC_KEY="873142971045" PRD_NAME="vcs" PRD_SERVER="NSWADCPDB01" TRN_NAME="NODB" TRN_SERVER="NODB" TST_NAME="VCSTest" TST_SERVER="NSWADCPDB01"
It worked for the following for uninstall
TACSInstallationNew50109V2131.exe /i // /quiet /l*v install.log DB_TYPE="SQL" LIC_KEY="873142971045" PRD_NAME="vcs" PRD_SERVER="NSWADCPDB01" TRN_NAME="NODB" TRN_SERVER="NODB" TST_NAME="VCSTest" TST_SERVER="NSWADCPDB01"
When I upgraded to 21.3.1 I can only run the install with the user interface when I try to run the install in quiet mode I get the following log entries
=== Verbose logging started: 17/01/2024 10:22:22 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.10011.00 Calling process: E:\E\TACSInstallationNew50109V2131.exe ===
MSI (c) (C8:2C) [10:22:22:438]: Note: 1: 2203 2: // 3: -2147286788
MSI (c) (C8:2C) [10:22:22:438]: MsiOpenPackageEx is returning 123.
=== Verbose logging stopped: 17/01/2024 10:22:22 ===
The above is all that is in the log
when I run run the install using the user interface and us /quiet to run the uninstall the uninstall works perfectly.
I have searched for MsiOpenPackageEx is returning 123 and only found one AI entry in the forums for 2013 where thye got the same issue and tried using /exenoui which worked for them, I tried using /exenoui but that didnt work for me.
I urgently need this fixed so if anyone can help that would great, I have a professional licence. I have also attached the 2 different aip files the older one is from version 15.8 because I had to try and create the problem freshly for my testing as opposed to the 20.7 one but the effect is exactly the same.