If you want your installation package to always create a log, you can follow these steps:
1. go to the Builds page and select the Configuration tab
2. set the MSI Command Line field to: /L*V "C:\package.log" (this is only available for EXE packages)
This way, when the user launches the installation through the bootstrapper, an installation log ("package.log") will be created automatically in the "C:\" drive.
You can also use properties for system folders: /L*V "[LocalAppDataFolder]customlog.txt"

- log command.png (8.7KiB)Viewed 562 times
However, the folder you are using must exist before launching the installation. The log command is handled by Windows Installer module and it cannot create folders. This means that if you specify a log file location that does not already exist, the installer will not be able to create it and the logging will fail.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,