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Updater frequency check

Thu Mar 29, 2018 7:02 pm


I am wondering where the value for the updates frequency check is stored in updater.exe. In this thread: viewtopic.php?t=34128

it is mentioned that in the updater.ini file, there is a "CheckFrequency" line. However, my updater.ini doesn't have a check frequency line. If I run "updater.exe /configure" I can change the check frequency and it gets saved, however there is no update to the updater.ini file in the same folder. I have 2 questions:

1. For testing purposes, it would be useful to reset the value of the next update check. My update check found my updates and I made a change in the config UI of the updater.exe, and now my next update check (which is intended to happen on each startup of my program) is disabled until tomorrow. How can I reset this value so the next update check will happen immediately, when the updater is called as "updater.exe /silent". I want to continue calling the updater this way to avoid any windows that popup saying "Checking for update".

2. Where is the value of the update check frequency stored if not in the updater.ini file? I can see that the value is being saved because it persists after I change the setting, close the updater UI, and re-open it. It is not reflected in the updater.ini file

Thanks for all the help

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Re: Updater frequency check

Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:18 pm

1. For testing purposes, it would be useful to reset the value of the next update check. My update check found my updates and I made a change in the config UI of the updater.exe, and now my next update check (which is intended to happen on each startup of my program) is disabled until tomorrow. How can I reset this value so the next update check will happen immediately, when the updater is called as "updater.exe /silent". I want to continue calling the updater this way to avoid any windows that popup saying "Checking for update".
In order to check for updates immediately and avoid the frequency check, you can run the updater with the "/checknow" command line. If you want the check for updates to be performed silently, you can also send the "-minuseractions" switch.
2. Where is the value of the update check frequency stored if not in the updater.ini file? I can see that the value is being saved because it persists after I change the setting, close the updater UI, and re-open it. It is not reflected in the updater.ini file
The "updater.ini" file is usually installed under Program Files which is a restricted location that the updater cannot edit. So, all the configuration made later are stored in the registry under the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Caphyon\Advanced Updater\{UpgradeCode}

Let me know if you have other questions.

Best regards,
Eusebiu Aria - Advanced Installer Team
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Re: Updater frequency check

Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:21 am

I have to admit that it is still mysterious to me what "frequency check" technically means. Can somebody please explain? Documentation is not very clear to me as well.

I mean - when I launch the Updater app I expect it to check for updates, nothing more, nothing less. Why to bother with some kind of frequency checks?

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Re: Updater frequency check

Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:55 am


When the /silent and /silentall flags are used, a check frequency is applied by default and the check for updates will not be performed until that frequency has passed. The Updater will check for updates at its first launch. After that, a check is performed only if the specified frequency has passed (usually 2 days). If the Updater is launched after the check frequency passes and finds any updates, it will prompt the user. Otherwise, it will exit.

In what regards the "-nofreqcheck" switch, this is used to skip the updates check frequency time interval. For instance if you have the check frequency option set to 2 days, then each new Updater call will be ignored if it is launched in less than 2 days since the previous Updater call.
check frequency.png
check frequency.png (15.71KiB)Viewed 4223 times

If you want to avoid that frequency check, you can use the "-nofreqcheck" switch or you can set this setting to 0 (zero) days.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
Liviu Sandu - Advanced Installer Team
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