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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:42 am

Segment Integration

Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:58 am


We were trying to use the Analytics feature and integrating it with Segment. After supplying the Segment key to the Analytics page and running the built installers several times, we have not yet seen any event published to Segment.

- Does this feature really work?
- What is the frequency of events sent to Segment? Is this not real-time?
- What are the events that are being sent?


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Re: Segment Integration

Thu May 03, 2018 2:19 pm

Hello and welcome to our forums,

We are very sorry for this inconvenience but currently our Install Analytics integration with Segment is broken. We will try to implement a fix for this issue in the future and when available we will update this thread.

Thank you for your understanding.

All the best,
Daniel Radu - Advanced Installer Team
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