Please contact us on support at advancedinstaller dot com if you are interested in creating such a translation.vclamnet wrote:If you're interest in Vietnamese Translation then let me know.
Please contact us on support at advancedinstaller dot com if you are interested in creating such a translation.vclamnet wrote:If you're interest in Vietnamese Translation then let me know.
Thank you for your interest in creating these translations.harshu wrote:Let me know if you are interested in Telugu or Hindi translation.
I'm afraid that we don't have Hebrew and Arabic translations. However, we are looking for translators for these languages. If you are interested, please contact us at support at advancedinstaller dot com.I am most interested in Hebrew and Arabic translations. Are they available?
This behavior may have multiple causes. If you are using an EXE bootstrapper, please make sure that the "Windows 95" option is unchecked in the "Launch Conditions" tab of the "Prerequisites" page. Also, you can try selecting the "UTF-8 codepage" option in the Msi tab of the "Media" page.also, our own translations (for example Control Panel - tool tip which is placed in the ini file -> description) are not displayed correctly. they show "???? ???" even if we can see the .ail files correctly on our systems, the build transforms them into ???