It would be fine to have a possibility to change its size or to edit and check content in a separate editor.
One example (a special Build Event to create an ISO image):
Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\ImgBurn\ImgBurn.exe"
Arguments: "/MODE BUILD /BUILDOUTPUTMODE IMAGEFILE /SRC "[|AI_BUILD_OUTPUT_FILE]|\\DC\Public\MyDir\_CC_CD\autorun.inf|\\DC\Public\MyDir\_CC_CD\autorun\|\\DC\Public\MyDir\_CC_CD\other\|\\DC\Public\MyDir\_CC_CD\drivers\" /DEST "\\dc\Public\MyDir\[|ProductName]_[|ProductVersion].iso" /VOLUMELABEL "[|ProductName] (v[|ProductVersion])" /OVERWRITE YES /START /CLOSESUCCESS /NOIMAGEDETAILS /ROOTFOLDER NO"
In This case the input field "Arguments" is not really good to work with