- Support for the MinorUpdateTargetRTM property. This was requested years ago (http://www.advancedinstaller.com/forums ... f=2&t=7757), but I don't yet see it implemented. This seems like an odd omission, considering this was introduced way back with windows 3.1 (requiring patchwiz.dll V4.0). I believe this ties into the patch sequencing, and it affects cumulative patches. I know this property can be added post-build via Ocra, but this extra step shouldn't be needed. A simple checkbox that adds this property is all that is needed.
- Add component-like icons that represent merge modules to the "Organization" view. Currently, if you add a merge module to a feature, you can't see the merge module under the feature in the Organization view. So, it looks like the feature is empty. There should be some sort of icon that tells the user that there is a merge module attached to a specific feature and what the name of the merge module is. Installshield does this.
- Whenever you build a project with a bootstrapper, you are not allowed to launch the msi directly. There is a "LaunchCondition" that AI adds (automatically) to prevent launching the msi directly:
Code: Select all
SETUPEXEDIR OR (REMOVE="ALL") - This package can only be run from a bootstrapper.