I have had an Advanced Installer aip project which I have used for a couple of years now with a .net dll for custom actions.
I have always recommended to my clients to use the following command line for a quiet installation
drive:\TACSInstallationNew.exe /I // /l*v install.log DB_TYPE="SQL" LIC_KEY="xxxx1045" PRD_NAME="vcs" PRD_SERVER="TACSDBPRD" TRN_NAME="NODB" TRN_SERVER="NODB" TST_NAME="VCSTest" TST_SERVER="TACSDBTST"
It appears that either this has never worked and my clients didn't let me know or it has stopped working with some upgrade either from AI or microsoft in the windows environment. The deployment is for a VB6 project which is working well in Win 11/10/8/7 x86 and 64 bit environments so that's no the problem the dll written in vb.net back in 2019 and still appears to be fine. The package type is 32 bit and I have attached the aip. The dll when not in quiet mode displays a windows form to allow the user to enter license and database info which is then written to the registry, in quiet mode the dll should detect that the install is quiet and process the info in the variable at the end of the string and if no errors write the details to the registry without the form showing. I have also uploaded the log from the install where it appears that the application is loaded at then a 1603 error which appears to roll everything back.
If someone could help I would be really grateful. I have a Professional License for AI