Today, we'll be discussing how to make your PowerShell custom actions log their output to a log file.
This involves modifying the custom action itself by adding the functions that will log, either a message or an error.
First of all, we will have to decide the log's location. For this, I will be using the %temp% location.
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$logFileLocation = $env:temp + "\CustomActionLog.txt"
To do this, we can use the "test-path" cmdlet.
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if (-not(test-path $logFileLocation)){
new-item -itemtype File -path $logFileLocation
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function Log {
param ([string]$Message)
$timeStamp = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"
$outMessage = $timeStamp + ": " + $Message
$outMessage | Out-File -FilePath $logFileLocation -Append -Encoding UTF8
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function LogError {
param ([string]$Message)
$ErrorMessage = "[Error] " + $Message
Hope you'll find this useful.

Best regards,