Hello All,
I'm developing a MSIX that uses a Runtime component. I add the folders containing the Runtime files into the files section of Advanced Installer. The myapp.exe sits in the root directory of the MSIX while the Runtime sits in programfilesx64 within the VFS after install. The install works fine but when the Runtime tries to execute, it is limited by Advanced Security Settings. There is a Principal->Users, Access->Read & execute, Condition->WIN://SYSAPPID contains <the name of my MSIX package, Inherited from <WindowsApp MSIX installed folders. I look at this setting and it shows 'corrupted', I delete it, and everything runs fine. I am running Advanced Installer in my PC domain - I read that you should build packages outside of any domain to avoid transferring inherited security settings.
Can anyone tell me why this is a security setting for the Runtime folders after install? I looked at the *.ini files and can't find any clues.
Thanks in advance,