Steve Rindsberg
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:34 pm

Suggested Help File improvements

Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:37 pm

The help file for Advanced Installer is a model for the software industry; I HUGELY appreciate the attention it's been given.

One thing that I do find frustrating about it is that nearly every time I go looking for help on a "How to" sort of topic, the index or search takes me right to the info I need BUT it always starts out by explaining that "On the XYZ dialog, you can do XXX ..." but NEVER tells me HOW to invoke that dialog. Once I've flailed around and found the magic button, the help is great, but the magic button can be VERY well hidden. It might involve rightclicking on one of the files I've added to a project or the like.

I realize that if I'm already at the dialog in question, a click of the ? icon will open up the appropriate help file entry instantly. But please please please add "If you're not already on the XYZ dialog, go to {wherever} and click {whatever it takes to open the dialog box}."

My other suggestion re help: it'd be very useful if at least the help entries that require it list the minimum project version required for the feature to be available. Example: I started in on my first installer for a VB6 project the other day, so I chose the VB6 template. Was quite impressed that AI pulled all the needed info directly into the project just by showing it the VB6 project file. I got the whole thing finished, tested and, I thought, ready to go as soon as I signed .... er ... where DO I enable code signing ... there's no option for that! Had to start all over and reconstruct the project after choosing one of the Generic options. If the help file had mentioned that enabling Digital Signatures requires at least Professional level projects (or whatever) it would have saved a LOT of wheel spinning.

Thanks for bearing with me to the end of my rant. Please trust that I never spend this kind of time on suggestions to the developers of mediocre software. Only the BEST stuff. AI's at the head of that class.

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Joined: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:49 am

Re: Suggested Help File improvements

Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:09 pm

Hello Steve,

First of all, thank you for trying out Advanced Installed and for taking your time to give us a feedback. We are really glad you are satisfied with our software.

In what regards the help improvement, I have added this on our TODO list of improvements. Also, in some of our articles, we have already added the minimum project type note - for example, the following "Adding a custom dialog" article.

Once again, thank you for your feedback. Almost every feature in Advanced Installer has been shaped in accordance with the needs of the users, so that really helps us improve.

All the best,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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