Posts: 6
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:26 am

Disabling Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP).

Tue May 02, 2017 5:35 am


Is there some way to disable the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) in AI programmatically through your installer? I ask because we will be deploying and then managing the installation of each update to AI for a small team of people and we would like to opt-out for each and every update. Thanks in advance.


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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:04 pm

Re: Disabling Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP).

Thu May 04, 2017 1:26 pm

Hi Jeremy,

If you want to collect information using the "Installer Analytics" feature, but disable this feature conditionally, you can use a "Set installer property" custom action that sets the "AI_IA_ENABLE" property based on the user's choice or you can assign it to a checkbox, so it will be set when the checkbox is checked and deleted when the checkbox is unchecked.

Let me know if this helped, otherwise give me more details about your scenario.

Best regards,
Eusebiu Aria - Advanced Installer Team
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