I am using 21.2 on the build server but I can't use anything newer on my development machines as the Jenkins server will complain it's not configured correctly or the .AIP was created in a too newer version of A.I. so I had to roll back all my development machines to match the maximum the Jenkins version can run.
If I accidently upgrade my development machines that use BitBucket via GIT I will send the exact error I see, but right now it's all working so I don't want to mess with it....haha
I basically created this thread to let you guys to update the Jenkins plugin to match any new A.I. versions posted if it's gonna be that picky on which version of an .AIP it can open via Jenkins.

I had to shut auto-updates off cuz would cause too much unexpected pain but would be lovely if I could use the latest version of A.I. without worry my whole build server process would not get randomly broken. 8)
Have a great day!
p.s. Request: I paid for the latest A.I. version hoping there would be a dark mode now finally also. I vote to make one 20 times