Instead of just taking the application icon and generating a custom form giving the user the ability to
edit the text on the trial popup on the background and menu bar etc...

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Code: Select all
<ROW Trialware="alltrials" Section="Strings" Key="TrialExpiredPage#MsgCaptionDays" Value="Your %Quantity% days trial has expired. If you want to continue using %TrialName% you must purchase a license and register the application." ValueLocId="TrialwareSettings.alltrials#Strings#TrialExpiredPage#MsgCaptionDays"/>
Code: Select all
<ROW Trialware="alltrials" Section="Strings" Key="TrialExpiredExtPage#PageHeader" Value="Welcome to %TrialName% Trial" ValueLocId="TrialwareSettings.alltrials#Strings#TrialExpiredExtPage#PageHeader"/>
Code: Select all
Yes. Please note that you need to restart Advanced Installer and rebuild your project for the change to be applied.You mean ..Advanced Installer 8.9\dictionaries\.. ??
This is already on our TODO list and it will be available in a future version. I'm afraid that we cannot offer an ETA for now.It would probably be better if advanced installer just got this feature added to the program instead of having to mess around with dictionaries and stuff