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Re: Running MSINOF32.EXE

Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:42 pm

Hello Truong,

Normally, I believe the msinfo32 executable should be found in either "System32" or "SysWOW64" folders.

Both these folders are added to the "Path" environment variable, therefore the call to this executable should be done without providing the path, e.g.:

Code: Select all

msinfo32 /report <path_to_reportFile>
However, I could indeed notice that, even on my machine, the executable is found in more locations, one of them being the once specified by you:
msinfo32.png (58.36KiB)Viewed 150925 times
How can I replicate this in AI ? I've tried using the CommonFilesFolder macro but the program _appears_ to fail each time.
Judging by the provided information, I am assuming you are trying to call the executable by using a custom action such as "Launch EXE with working directory" (please correct me if I'm wrong).

In order to launch it from the specified folder, you may need to recreate the folder structure in the "Files and Folders" page, i.e.:
shared.png (26.52KiB)Viewed 150925 times
and then select the "microsoft shared" folder in the custom action.

I do believe, however, that the best bet would be to first verify the path by using a script and then calling the EXE (in the same script). For instance, you can check for all 4 locations and call it at the first occurence.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
Catalin Gheorghe - Advanced Installer Team
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