It would be very nice if AI could support having updater options be available per build. For example, I currently maintain 4 separate AI projects with the only difference between the 4 of them being the location that is pointed to for updates. This is so I can maintain a DEV/TEST/STAGE/PROD versions of my app and have different updates for each environment. I may want to provide an update to the test environment without providing an update to those that are looking at the prod environment. The only way I have found to deal with this so far is to maintain 4 identical .aip project files each pointing to a different updates location. It would be nice to be able to keep track of this all in 1 .aip file, since I need to make changes to 4 .aip files for each installer change that is necessary.
Also, I was wondering, as a workaround to this, is it possible to use the from the command line to specify the updates location for both the pre-install and updates configuration file URL's at build time? Meaning I can pass in as an argument to the build what those URL's should be?
As always, thanks for all the help.