Code: Select all
Checking builds status
Resources referred by the project are missing:
Build finished because an error was encountered.
##[error]Failed to execute Advanced Installer task. Error: SetOutputLocation -path "d:\a\1\Installer package" -buildname "DefaultBuild"
Build -buildslist "DefaultBuild"
Some details the installer build:
- artifacts are build from .NET Core console application which is published over standard Visual publish for winx86
- Details of the Advanced Installer Build task used in the pipeline:
Code: Select all
Task : Advanced Installer Build
Description : Build setup packages using Advanced Installer.
Version : 2.0.2
Author : Caphyon
Help :
Checking if a cached copy exists for this version...
Found tool in cache: advinst 17.0.0 x86
Cached copy of AdvancedInstaller exists. No need to install afresh. Cached tool location: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\advinst\17.0.0\x86.
Registering Advanced Installer.
C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\advinst\17.0.0\x86\bin\x86\ /RegisterCI ***
Prepending PATH environment variable with directory: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\advinst\17.0.0\x86\bin\x86