User Account Properties
In this page you can view and set the user account properties.
Remarks associated with the user account.
User account password.
This password is ignored if you set a password property.
Confirm Password
Confirm user account password.
Property used if you want that password to be set at install time by the user.
If you set password property you must also create a new dialog where
the user will enter the password. You can do that using the Dialog Editor.
User cannot change password
The user cannot change the password.
Password never expires
The password should never expire on the account.
Account is disabled
The user's account is disabled.
Delete user profile folder when user account is deleted
The user profile folder will be deleted along with the (interactive) user account.
The user profile folder gets created at first user logon and is
located under under C:\Document and
Settings\<username> on XP or under
C:\Users\<username> on Vista or
Member Of
You can make user member of a group.
Make user member of a group
Use the Insert key while the list control is focused to select a group using the Group Picker Dialog.
button, the “Add” list context menu item or press theRemove user from a group
Use the Delete key while an element from the list control is selected.
button, the “Remove” list context menu item or press theError Policy
Fail if the user already exists
The installation process is terminated if the defined user already exists on the target machine.
Skip user creation if the user already exists
If the defined user is already present on the target machine, selecting this options ensures the user creation operation is skipped and the installation process will continue.
Install Condition
A Windows Installer condition which is evaluated and the result determines the user's installation. If the condition is empty, has a syntax error or is evaluated to true, the user is installed. If the condition evaluated to false, the user is not installed. Edit this field using Smart Condition Edit Control.
- Group Picker Dialog
The "Group Picker" dialog