Update Properties Tab
This page gives you the possibility to configure the update. At build time, these settings will be saved in an Updates Configuration File.
Update Properties
Main URL
The URL location from where the update file should be downloaded from. This corresponds with the "URL" key from the Updates Configuration File.
Downloading updates requires a trusted HTTPS connection. The updates download will
fail in case of HTTPS connection problems (untrusted, expired, etc.) and an error will be
The file can also be placed in a location on the local network or local machine. This can be specified with the following syntax: file://location of the file.
- Local network: file://\\computername\path\filename.ext
- Local computer: file://c:\updates\file.exe
Mirror URL
The mirror URL location from where the update file should be downloaded from if the main URL location specified above cannot be reached.
Release Date
The date on which this update was released. It corresponds with the "ReleaseDate" key from the Updates Configuration File. This entry is necessary if you plan to use the license validity check feature in the Advanced Functionality.
Critical Update
Marks the update as critical. It corresponds with the "Flags" key from the Updates Configuration File. It is useful only when launching the Updater with /silentcritical or /justcheck -critical commands to silently search and install critical updates, respectively to silently check for critical updates.
Configure the way updates are displyed in the updates dialog shown to the user.
Display Name
This is the name for the update that will be displayed to the user and corresponds with the "Name" key from the Updates Configuration File. This string can be localized.
Specify the category for this update. The update will be displayed as part of this category in the updates dialog.
If no categories are defined for any updates, there will be no categories shown in the
updates dialog. If at least one category is defined for an update, all updates which don't
have a defined category will be automatically included in the default
ProductName category.
Do not select update for install automatically
The update will never be marked for installation unless it's a dependency of another update which doesn't have this option enabled.