Updates Page

This page allows you to add a new update to the project and configure it.

ImportantThe order of the updates in the tree is the same with the order of their release. The first one is the newest.

New Update

New UpdateUse the [ New Update ] button, the “New Update” context menu option or press the Insert key while the "Updates" panel is focused.


DuplicateUse the “Duplicate” context menu option or press the Ctrl + D key while an update is selected. A copy of the selected update will be created.

Dependency Update

Replace You can use the [ Dependency ] button or the context menu option while an update is selected.

If you have an update which depends on another update, you can use the update dependencies feature. For example, if U1 cannot be installed while U2 is not already installed then you can set U1 to depend on U2. The Updater will first install U2. Only if U2 installation completed successfully the update, U1 will be installed.

Replace Update

ReplaceYou can use the [ Replaces ] button or the context menu option while an update is selected.

Let's suppose that we have three updates: U1, U2, and U3. Also, U1 and U2 are a bit older, and all the improvements included in them are also found in U3. In this case, the installation of U1 and U2 would be redundant because U3 contains the same modifications.

To avoid the installation of all three updates, you can set U3 to replace U1 and U2, this way the Updater will allow the user to install only one of them.

Deprecate Update

DeprecateUse the [ Deprecate Update ] button to select which update to deprecate.

Deprecate an older update, meaning it will not be displayed to the user anymore. You can utilize this functionality so that your users only have access to certain releases.

Deleting an update

DeleteUse the [ Delete ] button, the “Delete” context menu item or press the Delete key while an update is selected.

Renaming an update

Use the “Rename” context menu item or press the F2 key while and update is selected.
