Update File Command Option
Command Syntax
/UpdateFile <target_file_path> [<source_file_path>] [-get_source_name] [-name <file_name>] [-overwrite {default|always|no}] [-overwrite no -cond <no_overwrite_condition>] [-usePathVariable] [-digsign {yes|no}]
Updates a file to the project.
- <target_file_path>
- The target file you need to update in the setup project.
- [<source_file_path>]
- The source file's path.
- [-get_source_name]
- The updated file in the project is renamed to its source file name. It cannot be used alongside the -name switch.
- [-name <file_name>]
- Specifies the updated file name. It cannot be used alongside the --get_source_name switch.
- [-overwrite default]
- If the file from the package is newer, it overwrites the one from the target machine at install time. This happens only in case there's a file with the same name in the same location on the target machine. This is the Windows Installer default.
- [-overwrite always]
- Always installs the file.
- [-overwrite no]
- Prevents overwriting the existing file with the same name from the target machine if there is one in the same install location.
- [-overwrite no -cond <no_overwrite_condition>]
- Prevents the existing file to be overwritten if the condition is met.
- [-usePathVariable]
- Convert the file to a path variable.
- [-digsign yes]
- sets the "Digitally sign the file" flag on true
- [-digsign no]
- sets the "Digitally sign the file" flag on false
The -overwrite parameter variations can be used
only in MSI-based project types.
The "APPDIR\File.txt" file from the project gets updated to a new source file.
AdvancedInstaller.com /edit MyProject.aip /UpdateFile APPDIR\File.txt C:\Updates\File.txt
The "APPDIR\File.txt" file is renamed to "NewFile.txt".
AdvancedInstaller.com /edit MyProject.aip /UpdateFile APPDIR\File.txt -name NewFile.txt
For WinCE projects:
AdvancedInstaller.com /edit MyProject.aip /UpdateFile %InstallDir%\File.txt C:\Updates\File.txt