Update Feature Installation Behavior Command Option

Command Syntax

-behavior {Installed|Not installed|Disabled}  
-[installed_if <installed_if_condition>]  
-[not_installed_if <not_installed_if_condition>]  
-[disabled_if <disabled_if_condition>]  
-[always_install {yes|no}]  

This command will update Feature Installation Behavior in Organization page.


  • <feature_name>
  • Specifies the name of the new feature.
  • -behavior {Installed|Not installed|Disabled}
  • This install level is compared with the user-selected application install level and it dictates if the feature should be installed or not.
  • -[installed_if <installed_if_condition>]
  • The condition that has to be true in order to install the feature
  • -[not_installed_if <not_installed_if_condition>]
  • The condition that has to be true in order to skip the feature installation
  • -[disabled_if <disabled_if_condition>]
  • The condition that has to be true in order to disable the feature
  • -[always_install {yes|no}]
  • If this option is set, the User Interface of Windows Installer will not display an option to change the feature's state and it will be always installed.


AdvancedInstaller.com /edit MyProject.aip
    /UpdateFeatureInstallationBehavior Feature -behavior installed