ThinApp Tab
Building this type of package in Advanced Installer requires
VMware ThinApp to be installed on the same machine.
In order for an application to be virtualized it has to be target
for a shortcut.
Select the folder where the ThinApp package will be created.
The name of DAT file.
Also create an MSI package
By enabling this option, aside from the virtual packages, a MSI package of your application will be created upon build as well.
Allow the application to write to any location on the host PC (Merged isolation mode)
- System elements at this location are visible to the application
- Modifications to virtual elements go to the sandbox
- Modifications to system elements go to the system
- New elements are created on the system
For example, merged isolation is set for user-storage areas like Desktop and My Documents, so the application has direct write access to these locations.
Allow the application to read from the host PC but not to write to it (WriteCopy isolation mode)
- System elements at this location are visible to the application
- Modifications to virtual elements go to the sandbox
- Modifications to system elements go to the sandbox
- New elements are created in the sandbox
ThinApp caches the isolation modes for the registry and file system
at runtime in the sandbox. If you change the isolation mode for your
project and then rebuild the executable file, you might need to delete
the sandbox for the change to take effect.
This option is recommend for most packages. Fast compression has a very fast rate of decompression thus it has very little impact on the application's startup time. It achieves similar compression ratios as the ZIP algorithm and it has very little impact on memory consumption at runtime.
For example, use fast compression for slow build time, good compression ratio, and fast load time.
This option is useful for building your application very fast for testing purposes. No compression improves application startup time on older machines or when the application is launched multiple times. Without enabling this option, on ulterior executions of the same application, Windows disk cache can provide data faster.
For example, use no compression for fastest build time and fastest load time.
The name of directory where the sandbox is created and stored.
The path where ThinApp creates a new sandbox by default.
Reset sandbox on exit
Resets the application by deleting the sandbox when the last child process exits.
Redirect removable disks modifications to sandbox
Prevents the user from writing directly to removable disks and instead, changes go to the sandbox.
Redirect mapped network drives changes to sandbox
Prevents the user from writing directly to network‐mapped drives and changes the sandbox instead.
Permitted Groups
All users can run the package
This option removes all package usage restrictions.
Only the following Active Directory user groups can run the package
Restricts usage of the package to the specified list of Active Directory Group names.
The Access Denied Message can be customized to instruct a user who doesn't have access to execute the package.
Advanced package options
Press the Advanced package options... to edit Package.ini options.
- Package Options
Configure advanced ThinApp package options.