Script Replacements Tab

This tab enables you to replace certain sections of your script. These replacements can use installer properties and they are executed when the package is built.

Caution!Do not use script replacements in large SQL scripts because this will seriously affect the execution time. The workaround is to split the scripts so that replacements are in as few as possible.

Adding a new SQL replacement

Use the [ Add... ] button, the “Add...” context menu item or press the Insert key while the list is focused. The SQL Script Replacement Dialog dialog will be displayed allowing you to create a new SQL replacement.

Editing an SQL replacement

Use the [ Edit... ] button, the “Edit...” context menu item or press the Space key while an element from the list is selected. The SQL Script Replacement Dialog dialog will be displayed allowing you to edit an SQL replacement.

Removing an SQL replacement

Use the [ Remove ] button, the “Remove” context menu item or press the Delete key while an element from the list is selected.
