Predefined SQL Connection Page
This page allows you to configure an SQL connection.
Condition the execution of all scripts from this connection. Edit this field using Smart Condition Edit Control.
When no SQL Script or SQL Query is executed during installation the SQL Connection
will not be established.
Connection Type
Select the SQL database server type you want to connect to. The following SQL servers are available:
- Microsoft SQL Server / MSDE
- Microsoft SQL Azure
- MySQL Server
- Postgre SQL Server
- Oracle SQL Server
Connection Mode
You can connect to the SQL server through an:
- ODBC Driver
- ODBC Data Source
ODBC Driver/Data Source
Specify the ODBC Driver or Data Source Name. Use the
button to insert a reference to a property.The ODBC Driver/Data Source combo will be populated with the configured ODBC drivers or Data Sources in the project as well as the available
ODBC drivers or Data Sources on your machine.
It is recommended to use an Unicode compatible ODBC driver.
For Microsoft SQL Server LocalDB connections only an SQL Server
Client ODBC driver can be used (e.g. "SQL Server Native Client
Use 64-bit ODBC resource
If this option is enabled, the connection will use the 64-bit DSN or driver.
Specify the server host name. Use the
button to insert reference to a property.If the database server is located on the target machine on which the package is
installed you can use localhost. For a Microsoft SQL
Server connection use (local) instead. For a Oracle SQL
Server connection use OracleServer instead.
Specify the connection port. Use the
button to insert a reference to a property.When using a Microsoft SQL Server connection type this field is non-editable. The
default SQL Server port number (1433) will be used. To use a custom port number you can
specify it in the "Server" field like this:
Login timeout
Set the login timeout interval (in seconds) for this database connection. A value of "0" (zero) means the login timeout is disabled, and the connection will wait indefinitely for a server response. The range tolerance for this value is dependent on the specific ODBC driver used and its standard compliance / implementation.
Connection and all its scripts are verbose
When using the verbose mode for an SQL connection, if an error occurs when connecting or during the execution of one of its SQL scripts, a dialog box will be shown containing the ODBC error response.
Your users will never see the error during the installation if you disable this
option, so it is very important that you design your application to check for the integrity
of your databases or have it correctly designed so it can handle cases of missing or
partially populated databases, as this might happen if your SQL scripts fail to
Log information to file
This option is only available for SQL Scripts.
If this option is enabled and an error occurs, a log file(AI_SQLScripts.log) containing the error message will be automatically generated by the installer in the user's Temp folder, .
Trusted Connection
Enable this option if you wish an SQL connection to use Windows integrated authentication system. When using a trusted connection the current user's credentials are used.
This option can be enabled at install time by setting the
In case of connecting to Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) you should use a
trusted connection.
User name for the database server.
User password for the database server.
This password is ignored if you set a password property.
Confirm Password
Confirm user password.
The supplied password will be stored securely (encrypted) both in the project file and
the MSI package.
Use a property to set password
The property used at install time if you want the password to be set by the user. Use the
button to select it.Catalogue
Specify the name of the database you want to use.
Create database if it does not exist
Using this option will ensure the creation of the database if it doesn't exist.
If no SQL Scripts are defined but you still want to use this option to create the
database on the target machine you can add a script with a simple query. Something like
USE database_name;.
The Catalogue option is available only when connecting to the
database server through an ODBC driver.
A use database statement executed as part of an SQL Script will change the
active database for all the subsequent SQL Scripts that are next in the list for
When you connect through a Data Source the following attributes have to be configured in the ODBC Data Source:
- Server
- Port
- Database
All this information can be collected with the Advanced Installer MSI dialog “SQLConnectionDlg”. You can add this dialog from the Dialog Editor view and customize it or you can create your own. When using an MSI dialog to collect the data, in the formatted edit fields: ODBC Driver/Data Source, Server, Port, Username, Password, Database insert references to those respective Windows Installer properties associated with the MSI dialog edit controls.
The following fields are of Formatted Type and can be edited
with Smart Edit Control:
- Server
- Port
- Username
- Database
When using the SQL Scripts functionality and you require to prompt the user for ODBC
connection parameters (for an ODBC driver), you might want to test if the connection works
before proceeding. This will prevent an installation rollback due to incorrect connection
parameters when executing the SQL scripts. Please see Test SQL Connection article for details.
You can choose to let the installing user to pick an SQL Server to connect
to, from the available Microsoft SQL Servers on the network. Advanced Installer can automatically
browse the network to discover any SQL Server (instances) on-line. Also, you
have the possibility of allow the user to select a database from a list of
available databases to which the user is allowed to connect . Please see Browse for SQL Servers and Show Databases from an SQL Server articles for details.