Creating Shortcuts in the Files and Folders Page - Installer Project

Advanced Installer supports three types of targets for its shortcuts: URLs, installed files and external files which are already present on the target machine (this includes Uninstall shortcuts).

Creating a new shortcut using a wizard

New Shortcut WizardUse the [ New Shortcut Wizard ] toolbar button, to quickly and easily create a new shortcut, following step-by-step directions.

Creating a shortcut to an installed file

New Shortcut Use the [ New Shortcut... ] toolbar button or the “New Shortcut To > Installed File...” list context menu item. If a file is selected, it will become the new shortcut's target, otherwise you will be prompted to select a file to fulfill that role using the File Picker Dialog.

The new shortcut will be created by default in the “Application Shortcut Folder”. You can change that by changing the “Directory” field of shortcut in the Shortcut Properties View which will pop up.

NoteIn case of MSIX builds, shortcuts that are configured to be installed on Desktop will be created when the user launches the app for the first time.

Creating a shortcut to an external file

Use the “New Shortcut To > External File...” list context menu item. A special type of external file shortcuts (Uninstall Shortcuts) can be created from the same context sub menu as well.

Caution!If this type of shortcut is being used, in the Shortcut Properties View, the Shortcut Target field must begin with a property. Otherwise, the shortcut will not be created. The property can point to a location or a file. For example: [WindowsVolume]\My_App.exe

Creating a shortcut to a URL

Use the “New Shortcut To > URL...” list context menu item. To change the shortcut properties use Internet Shortcut Properties Dialog.

Creating a shortcut to a folder

Use the [ New Shortcut... ] toolbar button, the “New Shortcut” list/tree context menu item. If a folder is selected in the tree , it will become the new shortcut's target, otherwise you will be prompted to select a folder to fulfill that role using the Folder Picker Dialog.

Setting shortcut properties

Properties Use the [ Properties... ] toolbar button, the “Properties...” list context menu item, press the Enter key while a shortcut is selected in the “Files” panel or double click on a shortcut.

NoteShortcuts can be renamed, moved or removed just like regular Files.

Duplicating shortcuts

Drag and drop the shortcuts to the desired location, while the Shift key is pressed.

Condition the shortcut's installation

The installation of a shortcut cannot be conditioned directly because it is linked to its target. Therefore, a shortcut to a file must be in the same component as the file. This is why in order to condition the installation of a shortcut it must point to an external file.

The target of an external shortcut is not in the installation package, therefore you can move it to any component you want. You can add the shortcut to an existing component or create a new one by using a dummy registry entry and condition it by using the Organization page.

Another way to condition the installation of a shortcut is to use the "ShortcutsDlg" dialog in the Dialogs page. This dialog will allow the user to condition the shortcuts' installations on the Desktop, in the "Start" -> "Programs" menu or in the "Startup" folder.

Caution!In order to condition the installation of these shortcuts, they must be created in the appropriate folders (on the Desktop, in the "Startup" folder etc.)

ImportantIn case of Merge Module projects the following attributes can be made configurable at merge time:

  • Name
  • Description
  • ShowCmd
  • WkDir
  • Icon_
  • IconIndex

TipFor more information about the resources and attributes that can be configured, please see: Configurable Merge Modules Page.
