Set Folder Permission Option

Command Syntax

 /AddFolderPermission   <folder_identifier> [-domain <domain>] -username <username> [-full_control] [-modify] [-read_and_execute] [-list_folder_contents] [-read] [-write]

This command will set a folder permission to your project.


  • <folder_identifier>
  • The target folder identifier.
  • [-domain <domain>]
  • The domain of the user for which permissions are to be set.
  • -username <username>
  • The name of the user account for which you set the permissions
  • [-full_control]
  • Set the permission flag to Full control.
  • [-modify]
  • Set the permission flag to Modify
  • [-read_and_execute]
  • Set the permission flag to Read & Execute
  • [-list_folder_contents]
  • Set the permission flag to List Folder Contents
  • [-read]
  • Set the permission flag to Read
  • [-write]
  • Set the permission flag to Write


The following example sets a folder permission: /edit YourProject.aip
  /SetFolderPermission APPDIR -username User -full_control