Set Folder Operations Command Option

Command Syntax

/SetFolderOperations  <target_folder>
          [-overwrite_behavior {DoNotOverwrite|OverwriteOlderFiles|AlwaysOverwrite}]
          [-remove_folder {yes|no}]
          [-remove_operation {IfEmpty|Always}]
          [-remove_on {Install|Uninstall|InstallAndUninstall}]

Set Folder Operations for the project.


  • <target_folder>
  • The target project folder.
  • [-overwrite_behavior DoNotOverwrite] | [-overwrite_behavior OverwriteOlderFiles] | [-overwrite_behavior AlwaysOverwrite]
  • Specifies the folder content's overwrite behavior : DoNotOverwrite - if the files from the folder on the target machine are older than the one included in the package, they will be overwritten; OverwriteOlderFiles - if the files from the folder on the target machine are older than the one included in the package, they will be overwritten; AlwaysOverwrite - the files from this folder in your package will overwrite any similar files already present on the target computer.
  • [-overwrite_condition]
  • Condition when the folder content will be preserved.
  • [-remove_folder yes] | [-remove_folder no]
  • Specifies if the folder will be removed.
  • [-remove_operation IfEmpty] | [-remove_operation Always]
  • Specifies whether the removal operation will take place if the folder is empty or always.
  • [-remove_on Install] | [-remove_on Uninstall] | [-remove_on InstallAndUninstall]
  • Specifies the time when the removal operation will be executed.
  • [-remove_condition]
  • Condition for the folder removal. This will be set only if remove_on parameter was specified.

Example: /edit "D:\sample.aip" /SetFolderOperations appdir\test -overwrite_bahevior DoNotOverwrite -overwrite_condition 1 -remove_folder yes -remove_operation Always -remove_on InstallAndUninstall -remove_condition 1