SCCM Package Deployment Information
The first step of a SCCM package deployment is to choose the package you want to deploy and its dependencies, if any. This is done in the first configuration page of the wizard, here you can select your MSI, MSP, EXE and additional files like MSTs or CABs.
Setup package for SCCM deployment
This is the main package that you want to deploy, it can be an MSI or EXE. Use the Add additional files... option to specify additional resources that are part of your package.
Transforms to apply to MSI
When deploying MSI packages to SCCM, you might need to also apply one or multiple transforms to customize your installation. You can add and remove them using the correspondent buttons and .
The properties that you want to pass to your MSI installation. They must be separated by the character ';', like in this example
APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Your Company\Your Application";CUSTOM_PROP="set"
Command Line Switches
- /SccmSetupPath - correspondent to UI option “Setup package for SCCM deployment“.
- /SccmSetupFolder - correspondent to UI option “Add additional files...“. Contains folders with additional files. The paths are relative to main setup parent folder. To specify multiple folders you need to use the same command line switch with a different index. E.g. /SccmSetupFolder1 /SccmSetupFolder2
- /SccmMstPath - correspondent to UI option “Transforms to apply to MSI“. This can be set only if the package you deploy is an MSI. To specify multiple transform files you need to use the same command line switch with a different index. E.g. /SccmMstPath1 /SccmMstPath2
- /SccmMsiProperties - correspondent to UI option “Properties“. This can be set only if the package you deploy is an MSI. Contains list of properties and their values separated by the character ';'.
Example of commands:
/SccmSetupPath "C:\work\setup.msi" /SccmSetupFolder "." /SccmSetupFolder1 ".\folder1" /SccmSetupFiles2 ".\folder2" /SccmMstPath "C:\work\silentInstall.mst" /SccmMstPath1 "C:\work\silentInstall1.mst" /SccmProperties "APPDIR="C:\Program Files\Your Company\Your Application";CUSTOM_PROP="set""