Recache MST
Sometimes you might end up in a situation when you cannot uninstall a package. We already covered how you can recache an MSI in our user guide. However, we noticed that this might not work for transforms (MSTs) and a different solution is needed.
Let’s say that you have a Custom Action in your MST placed to run at uninstall and crashes. For an MSI you can perform a few simple steps:
- Open the package's Advanced Installer project
- Fix the problem (for example, remove the execution of the Custom Action)
- Build the project
- Use this command to recache the MSI:
msiexec /fv < path_to_new_msi >/
After the modified MSI replaces the cached one, you can run the uninstall again.
However, to recache an MST, you must perform some additional steps:
- Open the MST in Advanced Installer
- Fix the problem (for example, remove the execution of the Custom Action)
- Save the MST file
- Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\YOURPRODUCTID
- Change the Transforms key to point to the new location of your MST
- Run the uninstall command again.

We have tested the scenario where we replace the MST directly from
the caching location (C:\Windows\Installer\{ProductCode}).
However, in
that case, the recaching does not work, so the new MST must be placed in
a different location, thus the change in the registry that is needed
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