How do I install multiple instances from the command line?

Since multiple instances require an EXE package type, frequent administrative tasks can be performed through the Advanced Installer bootstrapper command line interface.

Installing a new instance

YourSetup.exe /newinst <instance_id>

Where <instance_id> is the instance id defined in your project (e.g. #1).

Changing the instance Product Name when installing it

YourSetup.exe /newinst <instance_id> /instname <new_instance_name>

Where <instance_id> is the instance id defined in your project (e.g. #1) and <new_instance_name> is the changed Product Name (e.g. Your Application Changed #1).

Generating new instances at install time

YourSetup.exe /newinst /instname <instance_name>

Where <instance_name> is the instance Product Name.

Upgrading an installed instance

YourSetup.exe /upgrdinst <instance_product_code>

Where <instance_product_code> is the instance product code (e.g. {02484BC7-8E53-443E-870A-8EEAB3CD4732}).

Maintaining an installed instance

YourSetup.exe /selinst <instance_product_code>

Where <instance_product_code> is the instance product code.