How do I install a driver?
To install a driver:
Go to the "Files and
Folders" page. Add all the driver's files to one of your package's
folders. All the driver's files should be placed in a location relative to
the location of the INF file.
The driver INF files should be added as regular files. They should
not be imported in Windows Installer format when added in "Files and
Folders" page.
DO NOT manually add the files to the System32 folder. DIFx will
manage the coping of the files to the appropriate locations.
Go to the "Drivers" page.
Use the "Add Driver" toolbar button
and select the INF file from your package.
In the "Organization" page you
can observe the layout of your package has been automatically modified
according to the information from the INF file.
The organization provided by Advanced Installer should be good in most cases. If you
want to manually modify it, please note the following:
- do not place two INF files in the same component
- do not place two INF files in the same folder
This framework is designed for installing Software First Install
drivers only.