- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- How-tos
- Application/Package
- 32/64-bit
- User Interface
- Display dialog on button push
- Execute custom action on button push
- Set property on button push
- Refreshing a dialog after setting a property
- Display remaining time for current progress
- Adding print functionality to a dialog
- Set Edit control text on button push
- Browse for file
- Browse For Folder
- Localize EULA and ReadMe text
- configure EULA for setup
- Localize a property's value
- Localize the project specific UI dialogs of an MSI package
- Show language selection dialog
- Conditionally show "StartMenuShortcutsDlg"
- Conditionally show the "UpgradeDlg" dialog
- Show a custom feature selection dialog
- Show only features with associated CAB files in the selection tree
- Make sure an edit box is not empty
- Show a custom ExitDialog for Maintenance
- Play an Audio file
- HTML billboard control
- Show Image Slideshow using custom triggers
- Refresh dialog box controls
- Display dialogs by feature selection
- Check TCP port
- Get a free TCP port
- Update dinamically the value of the text attribute of a static text control
- Enable native frame with custom caption color and rounded corners on windows 11 installations
- Upgrade
- Uninstall/Maintenance
- Java
- Licensing
- Advanced Analytics SDK
- Windows Mobile/CE
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Registration
- Using Advanced Installer
- Features and Functionality
- Tutorials
- How-tos
- Application/Package
- 32/64-bit
- User Interface
- Display dialog on button push
- Execute custom action on button push
- Set property on button push
- Refreshing a dialog after setting a property
- Display remaining time for current progress
- Adding print functionality to a dialog
- Set Edit control text on button push
- Browse for file
- Browse For Folder
- Localize EULA and ReadMe text
- configure EULA for setup
- Localize a property's value
- Localize the project specific UI dialogs of an MSI package
- Show language selection dialog
- Conditionally show "StartMenuShortcutsDlg"
- Conditionally show the "UpgradeDlg" dialog
- Show a custom feature selection dialog
- Show only features with associated CAB files in the selection tree
- Make sure an edit box is not empty
- Show a custom ExitDialog for Maintenance
- Play an Audio file
- HTML billboard control
- Show Image Slideshow using custom triggers
- Refresh dialog box controls
- Display dialogs by feature selection
- Check TCP port
- Get a free TCP port
- Update dinamically the value of the text attribute of a static text control
- Enable native frame with custom caption color and rounded corners on windows 11 installations
- Upgrade
- Uninstall/Maintenance
- Java
- Licensing
- Advanced Analytics SDK
- Windows Mobile/CE
- FAQs
- Windows Installer
- Deployment Technologies
- IT Pro
- Video Tutorials
- Advanced Installer Blog
- Table of Contents
How to enable native frame with custom caption color and rounded corners on windows 11 installations?
On Windows 11, Advanced Installer has native support for custom frame, frame shadow, rounded corners and border frame color when using App Installer Theme.
To enable these features on other themes:
- set AI_CF_FRAME_BASE_COLOR for caption color
- only if the theme uses Custom Frame: disable custom frame by setting AI_CF_TYPE to 0